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El impactante cambio de físico de una mujer que sólo se alimentaba de comida chatarra

A los 26 años le dijeron que no le quedaban más de 10 años de vida si seguía a ese ritmo. Tvn

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Lunes 26 de marzo de 2018

Elena Goodall tenía solo 29 años cuando le diagnosticaron diabetes tipo II, apnea del sueño y le dijeron que si seguía con ese ritmo no viviría hasta los 40 años, todo producto de su incontrolable adicción a la comida chatarra.

La joven sólo se alimentaba a base de lo que vendían conocidas cadenas de comida rápida, por lo que básicamente sólo comía hamburguesas, sándwich y papas fritas.

Yesterday I was starting to feel a bit down on myself just because I havnt been able to train because I’m still in pain from the accident. I can’t even walk my husky at the moment. so I decided to get my gear off and just take a couple of photos (as you do lol ) since the accident I can’t really use my legs but my core is FINE so I have put a big focus on that and I think I’m already seeing results I’m super happy with I will attempt to hop back on the bike next week just on the wind trainer at first and by the end of the week will hopefully be running again I’m doing everything I can to recover as quickly as possible for my own mental health I need to get back into training the fear of going back to what I once was is so real and it’s scary I have so much to look forward to in 2018 with port Mac 70.3 and cairns IRONMAN Julia Creek Dirt n dust Gold Coast marathon running with the commonwealth batton I am just sooo excited I can’t wait to smash out a solid year next year and attempt to not get hit by a car again please if you can help support my recovery #Recovery #restandrecover #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #triathlete #cyclists @dirtndustfest @gc2018 #qbr2018 @ironmanoceania

Una publicación compartida de Elle Goodall (@elles_journey_to_good_health) el


Tras el desalentador pronóstico, y con 184 kilos, decidió cambiar por completo su vida y se realizó una cirugía de manga gástrica. Pero eso fue sólo el comienzo, ya que se sometió a una estricta rutina de ejercicio y cambió por completo sus hábitos alimenticios.

Lo que no sabía Elena era que este cambio le abriría un mundo completamente nuevo. Fue así como descubrió la afición que hoy la tiene viviendo una vida muy diferente.

Luego de la operación la joven decidió comenzar a entrenar para corridas. Cuando superaba una iba subiendo la intensidad para luego pasar a los triatlones y finalmente al Ironman.

“Ahora, sólo quiero demostrar a la gente que si llegas a ese punto, hay algo que puedes hacer, y puedes salvar tu propia vida”, dijo en una entrevista al programa de televisión "Today".

Actualmente Goodall tiene un blog donde cuenta su experiencia, los cambios que ha experimentado a lo largo de su vida y cómo pasó de ser una adicta a la comida chatarra a una corredora de triatlón. 

Hey guys so recently I have had a lot of negativity around the word surgery I wanted to make people aware of first of all what it is I had done and the affects it has because I think no I know some people think if you have surgery your lazy and I had somone message me today a beautiful girl who has tried everything nothing is working she is around my weight pre surgery but after seeing some coments that were left on my page today is worried about what people think about "Weightloss surgery" so I had the gastric sleeve gastronomy in basic terms it is where they get inside me and cut and stapled my stummoc then they removed over half of it through a small keyhole all up there were 5 small incisions after this surgery i was only able to eat very small portions still am but the one thing that many people don't see when it comes to this topic is this is only a tool guys your stummoc eventually stretches back out this is a tool to help you learn to eat more regularly smaller portions to help u het that weight down so u can exercise I do know some people who have had this surgery and they have not lost much at all because they refuse to change what there eating and they push it it can be so easy to stretch your stummoc back out if your forever filling urself till ur way to full but not only that they refused to exercise this is where I am seeing a huge difference from the drastic amount I have lost so quick quicker than normal because I'm out there working my bum off literally it's gone my bum lol So I do have Noosa triathlon coming up on the 30th of October it is a HUGE deal for me and a HUGE step in my journey to get there I do have to raise $1000 for my charity smiling for smiddy please guys if you can please help me get to Noosa. And thankyou all for your love and support I am forever greatful #love #lovelife #loveyourself #thankyou #trainning #instafitness #instafit #workit #healthyactivelifestyle #stillwinning #soproud #mountisa #healthyeating

Una publicación compartida de Elle Goodall (@elles_journey_to_good_health) el